Bibi Dumon Tak
- The Netherlands
- Zu Gast beim ilb: 2021
born in Rotterdam in 1964, is an author of children’s and young adult literature. She studied Dutch literature at the University of Utrecht and published her first book, »Het koeienboek« (tr: The Cow Book), in 2001. Because of her love for animals, many of her books focus on them and have won several awards. »Kuckuck, Krake, Kakerlake« (tr: Cuckoo, Octopus, Cockroach) was nominated for the German Youth Literature Award in 2010, and »Bibi Dumon Taks große Vogelschau« (2018; tr: Bibi Dumon Tak’s Big Bird Show) was most recently published in German.
Kuckuck, Krake, Kakerlake
[Ill. Fleur van der Weel]
Berlin, 2009
[Ü: Meike Blatnik]
Mücke, Maus und Maulwurf
[Ill. Fleur van der Weel]
München, 2016
[Ü: Meike Blatnik]
Bibi Dumon Taks große Vogelschau
Hildesheim, 2018
[Ü: Meike Blatnik]