Anja Jardine
- Germany
- Zu Gast beim ilb: 2008
Anja Jardine was born in Pinneberg in north Germany in 1967, and also grew up between Brazil and Thailand. She studied economics and attended the Henri Nannen School. She initially worked at the Radio Bremen television station as a filmmaker before finally becoming an editor for the magazine supplement of the weekly newspaper »Die Zeit« (later »Die Zeit – Leben«), »Spiegel Reporter«, and »Brand eins«. Since February 2005 she has been an editor at »NZZ-Folio«. She was awarded the Bettina von Armin Prize for her short story »Badjnars Augen« (t: Badjnar’s eyes). In April 2008 her volume of short stories, »Als der Mond vom Himmel fiel« (t: When the moon fell from the sky), was published. Jardine has a son and lives in Zurich.
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