Andreas “Spider” Krenzke
Spider, born Andreas Krenzke in Berlin in 1971, is one of the most famous authors of the open reading scene. The co-founder of »LSD – Liebe statt Drogen« has been a steady member of the »Surf Poets« since 2000 and has been reading with them ever since. He was also a regular columnist for Arnulf Rating’s »Blauer Montag« and the »Berliner Zeitung«. In 2006 some of his most amusing and rarely apolitical depictions of the Berlin milieu came out as book and CD under the title »Im Arbeitslosenpark«. The winner of many poetry slams was nominated for the Prix Pantheon in 2007.
© international literature festival berlin
Im Arbeitslosenpark
Voland & Quist
Dresden, 2006