Awareness, Security, Guidelines


Guidelines for a Fair and Inspiring Exchange at the ilb

For over twenty years, the international literature festival berlin (ilb) has been a vibrant forum for cultural exchange and political discourse. The festival is committed to the values of multiple perspectives, dialogue, and hospitality.

The principles of free expression and respectful exchange thus also apply at the ilb:

The events aim to foster dialogue while always keeping our common humanity and the individual in mind.

Everyone is welcome to ask questions, express political opinions, share their identity, and empathize with and relate to the suffering of innocent people.

Participation in the ilb as an author, expert, or visitor requires a willingness to listen to others, engage with possibly disturbing or uncomfortable viewpoints and feelings, endure dissent, and seek clarification when something is unclear or seems ambiguous.

During the ilb, there is an awareness team (Compassion Crew) that provides a safe space. It can be reached through the reception desk in the entrance foyer or by phone at 030 27 87 86 41 during events.

To ensure freedom of expression for all and foster a creative environment, we must collectively and individually ensure that all visitors, authors, speakers, panelists, and staff of the ilb and our cooperation partners feel protected and safe. Each of us is responsible for contributing to such a supportive environment.

The ilb invites in-person exchanges. To prevent the out-of-context online publication of statements made by speakers and visitors and to protect copyrights, personal photo, audio, and video recordings of the events are not permitted.

Social media platforms often radicalize opinions and fuel conflicts. The anonymity of communication can make it easy to forget that verbal attacks can be hurtful or dangerous for the affected individuals. Therefore, we ask all visitors to communicate respectfully and responsibly, even in virtual spaces.

The ilb should be a space where contradictory attitudes can coexist, where it is possible to argue. However, crossing certain boundaries of respectful discourse may lead to exclusion from the event and removal from the venue.

Security checks may be conducted at the entrance.

We kindly ask that no flags or banners be brought to the events.

We thank the Berliner Festspiele and Transaidency, whose expertise served as the basis for the development of these guidelines.

Lavinia Frey and Team
