22. FamilienFest International

On Sunday, September 15th, the International Family Festival will take place for the 22nd time at die gelbe Villa. The authors and illustrators David A. Robertson (Canada), Chang Yu-Jan (Taiwan), Camilla Chester (UK) und Sara Lundberg (Sweden) will present their picture and children’s books. Visitors can also partake in various creative activities. The Family Festival will be opened at 11 a.m. with an interactive fairytale performance. Food and drinks are available

An ilb, die gelbe Villa and JugendKulturService event.

Admission is free, registration is not required.
Recommended for families with children.


Tickets for the Young Program are available directly through us.

+49 30 278786-70 | -72
Service telephone: Mo – Fr 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.

All information about your visit to the festival can be found here.