Danny Wattin: David den mindre vises protokoll

Discussion, Reading, Q&A

A Swedish suburb in the 1980s: So far, David has kept his Jewish identity a secret, but now everyone knows. Trying to impress left-wing activist Maja while also avoiding discrimination at school as well as increasingly violent threats from a group of neo-Nazis, Davids’s situation turns into more and more of a dilemma. A thought-provoking novel that balances satire with a serious examination of antisemitism and racism.

Content Note: This story addresses antisemitism, racism, homophobia, misogyny, body shaming, ableism, and a suicide attempt.

With Danny Wattin

With Hannah Klitzke – Gedichte in Borna (Pre-Program)

Moderated by Marina Chernivsky
Read by Matthias Scherwenikas
Interpreted by N. N.

Grade 10 – 12 | Booking Number 1303


Tickets for the Young Program are available directly through us.

+49 30 278786-70 | -72
Service telephone: Mo – Fr 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.

All information about your visit to the festival can be found here.