Szczepan Twardoch – CHOŁOD

German Book Premiere

Konrad Widuch, once an enthusiastic Russian revolutionary, ends up in the gulag under Stalin. He manages to escape and finds refuge with the Ljáudi people in the vastness of the taiga. When a Russian plane lands nearby, he has to defend himself and is soon on the run again. In his diary,
he reports on the political and human upheavals of his time. A literary work
»that is a journey through Europe’s collective unconscious and at the same time a great roman à clef about the present« (NZZ). [NZZ]

Moderated by Thomas Böhm
Read by Ulrich Matthes

The event will be held in Polish and German with simultaneous interpretation.

Tickets will be available from July 3, 2024.


We sell our tickets via the Berliner Festspiele website.