Thank you for the 23rd ilb. See you in 2024!

Geoffroy de Lagasnerie, Edouard Louis, Didier Éribon, Sonja Finck
Geoffroy de Lagasnerie, Edouard Louis, Didier Éribon, Sonja Finck

Dear audience of the international literature festival berlin,

On the evening of November 14, many of you have joined us for the last event of the 23rd international literature festival berlin. On the sold-out Main Stage at the Berliner Festspiele, Geoffroy de Lagasnerie presented his essay »3 – Ein Leben Außerhalb. In Praise of Friendship«. It was the premiere of the German translation (tr: Andrea Hemminger, S. Fischer, 2023). Together with his long-time friends Édouard Louis and Didier Eribon, he spoke about friendship. The conversation was moderated by literary translator Sonja Finck. It was the first event worldwide in which the trio of authors spoke about the book together in public.

In their conversation the importance of their friendship for new writing projects came alive. They showed how the exchange between them encourages each of them. And how empathic connections beyond family relationships or communities of convenience enrich life. They consider the image of the lonely, isolated artist to be false. It is very possible to find a kind of artistic autonomy through friendship because at best it is an honest, empathetic exchange of experiences, emphasized Geoffroy.

Great audiences for great voices

Almost 20,000 visitors have experienced magical literary moments, celebrated great international voices, and engaged in exciting debates with us this year. We would like to thank all authors and attendees for their contributions to the festival as well as actors and hosts, interpreters, translators, workshop leaders, and all cooperation partners and supporters. Thank you for your visit at the 23rd international literature festival berlin. And good news! You can already look forward for next year’s edition of the festival:

The 24th international literature festival berlin will take place from September 5 – 14, 2024, the Young ilb from September 9 – 18, 2024 at the Haus der Berliner Festspiele.