On 25 February Booker Prize winner Bernadine Evaristo and the author and journalist Jackie Thomae talk about Evaristo’s novel “Girl, Women, Other”. Actress Constanze Becker reads from the German translation by Tanja Handels. The event is accompanied by music by Joy Denelane. It will be broadcasted live by Dussmann das Kulturkaufhaus at blog.tropen.de and kulturkaufhaus.de.
In her novel “Girl, Woman, Other” Bernadine Evaristo tells the story of 12 black people. Each character addresses important questions of society in their own way: It’s a story about origin and identity, about people of color and feminism, about diversity in art and culture. Last but not least, it’s a story about London and British colonial history.
The event will be held in English. Admission is free.
The event is a cooperation of Tropen Verlag and Dussmann das KulturKaufhaus | internationales literaturfestival berlin | British Council | taz. die Tageszeitung | Missy Magazine | DAV Der Audio Verlag