Wendy Law-Yone
- Myanmar
- Zu Gast beim ilb: 2021
born in Mandalay in 1947, is a Burmese author. Her father was publisher of independent Burma’s first English-language newspaper, which was shut down as a result of the 1962 military coup. She left the country as a stateless person five years later. In the U.S., she published her first novels describing the experience of political upheaval and exile. In 2015, she was the Friedrich Dürrenmatt Visiting Professor at the University of Bern. Wendy Law-Yone now lives in London and in Provence.
The Coffin Tree
New York, 1983
Irrawaddy Tango
New York, 1993
The Road to Wanting
Chatto & Windus
London, 2010
Golden Parasol
A Daughter’s Memoir of Burma
Chatto & Windus
London, 2013
Dürrenmatt and me
Eine Passage von Burma nach Bern
Verbrecher Verlag
Berlin, 2021
[Ü: Johanna von Koppenfels]