Peter Raue
Peter Raue was born in Munich in 1941, and studied law, theatre and philosophy at Berlin Free University. He worked as a lawyer, and was actively involved in the art and culture scene. The initiator of the MoMA exhibition of 2002, and the Metropolitan Museum of Art show in Berlin in 2007, is the owner of the solicitors’ office of Raue LLP, and has been a honorary professor at the Free University since 2005. He received the German Order of Merit in the same year. Peter Raue lives in Berlin.
© internationales literaturfestival berlin
Literarischer Jugendschutz
Was kann nach dem Gesetz über die Verbreitung
jugendgefährdender Schriften indiziert werden?
Duncker & Humblot
Berlin, 1970
Die Verteidigung der persönlichen Ehre
Frankfurt a. M., 1997
Münchener Anwalts-Handbuch
Urheber- und Medienrecht
[Hrsg. Peter Raue u. Jan Hegemann]
C.H. Beck
München, 2011