Markus Hilgert
- Germany
- Zu Gast beim ilb: 2018
born in 1969, is a German professor of ancient Near Eastern studies and specialist in cultural heritage research. In 2007 he became Professor of Assyriology in Heidelberg, where he was awarded the university’s annual prize in 2011. Since 2014, he has served as the director of the Ancient Near East Museum within the Pergamon Museum. In 2017, he was elected Secretary General of the Kulturstiftung der Länder (Cultural Foundation of the German Federal States).
Auf jeden Fall geklaut?
Warum Provenienzforschung in archäologischen Museen alternativlos ist
In: Museumskunde, 2, 2015
Die digitale Transformation des Kulturgutschutzes
In: Kulturpolitische Mitteilungen. Europäisches Kulturerbe in einer globalisierten Welt, 156 I, 2017