Marcus du Sautoy
- United Kingdom
- Zu Gast beim ilb: 2019
born in 1965 in London. He is Professor of Mathematics at the University of Oxford and holder of the prestigious Simonyi Chair for the Public Understanding of Science. His works on the enigma of prime numbers, phenomena of symmetry and epistemological limits have become widely translated bestsellers. His most recent book »The Creativity Code« (2019) explores the principles and artistic capabilities of AI-applications. He was appointed OBE (2010) and elected a Fellow of the Royal Society (2016).
Die Musik der Primzahlen
C.H. Beck
München, 2003
[Ü: Thomas Filk]
Die Mondscheinsucher
Mathematiker entschlüsseln das Geheimnis der Symmetrie
C.H. Beck
München, 2008
[Ü: Stephan Gebauer]
The Creativity Code
How AI is Learning to Write, Paint and Think
4th Estate
London, 2019